Our Services

Campos Design agency offers a set of complementary services.
These skills and services are presented below : they interact to bring the project, and its different stages, to a successful conclusion. Our team of designers are people from a great variety of disciplines including automobile, product, furniture, edition, jewellery and accessory; mechanical and electric engineers, as well as technicians.
This allows us to apply an all rounded vision to all projects.
Our approach brings successful projects, aesthetically and industrially.

Development of new design concepts

Developing a design concept involves reflection and research that aim at improving the existing product, or suggesting new uses for old products or simply creating a new product.

Research of forms

Creation of forms with the aim of proposing several different styles for the same product, so the client can choose the model that best meets his expectations and target the audience. It continues by the compilation of points of details and the general form chosen by the customer in the final form.


- Creation of 3d models to provide photorealistic effect in order to sell the product.
- Realization of true scale 3d models, in order to produce numerical control machining, stereolithography, 3D printing,...


Sourcing and proposal of material and new material for the realization of a product.
- Use of new material
- Use of material coming from other areas to give a new finish
- Sourcing of materials for classic use.

Project analysis

We work in partnership with every client. The purpose of the project analysis is to define the mission statement and define the challenges of its product development strategy : cost, manufacturing and use. Then, the development of concept and research forms can begin.

Writing of requirements documents

The requirements document includes all informations relative to a product. It explains why the product is needed, its marketplace, describes what the finished product will be like, constraints of production ( quality standard, evolutions, etc.)

Technical drawings

Technical drawings aims at producing new design products.

Production follow up

Production follow up, involving the development and the validation of prototypes, research of subcontractors and elaboration of the production line.
> Our portofolio